NOTE: This game is also known as "ANOTHER WORLD".
At any time just press "C" and enter any of these codes:
Or try these: "LDCI", "LDIJ", "KJIA", "LAEA", "GABK", "KCGB"
There are three ways of working the gun:
After emerging from a pool of water, Lester Chaykin begins his adventure. Walk right and stop on the edge of the next screen. Using a combination of standing kicks and crouches, kill ALL the slugs that fall from the ceiling and those that crawl across the floor. Repeat this on the next screen. If you don't get everything, things will be harder later on when you have to run back along the same route. Keep going right until a huge black bear-type monster falls in front of you. Turn left immediately and run back the way you came. Don't stop. Run past the pool where you started, onto the next screen and jump off the edge of the cliff, grabbing the vine. Swing back to the right and drop. When you hit the ground, run right again until both you and the beast are shot at by the aliens.
You wake up in a cage with one of the terrestrials. Rock the cage by pulling left and right on the joystick until it crashes on top of your captor. Pick up his gun. Follow the alien right and, upon entering the next screen, shoot the monster. When you get to the triple doors, turn around and make shields that last long enough for your companion to open the doors. Run right when the doors open and go down one floor in the lift. Go left and blast the door. Quickly run back to the lift. Go down and up again as fast as you can; this will make the guard think that he imagined the explosion. Go back over to the hole above the guard and pull down before running left. Push up and wait for your companion to open a hatch. He'll then pull you up to the sewer level.
Simple and quick. Left falls into the sewer. Left, right, right, left, right and out.
Recharge your gun and blast the triple doors. Recharge again and go right, past the blue dome and onto the next screen. Duck quickly and shoot the alien with the Mohican. Run right and - just as you are about to go off the edge of the screen - jump. You should land on a ledge. Blast a hole in the mountainside and enter it.
Drop down the first and second holes onto the balanced rock. Turn right and jump off the ledge of the next screen, where you'll find some bones. Observe the falling rocks at the left-hand side of the screen, they drop in a pattern. Time your run and stop in a clear space. Take each of these two screens in two stages and you'll pass. Keep going right and here you'll find the trickiest part of the game. Suspended from the ceiling are various tentacles for you to negotiate. Scattered across the ground are mouths which grasp at your heels, waiting to rip you apart. Don't be afraid to get close. The first set simply require you to hop over them, but the second needs a swift combination of a long jump and skip. Run right and blast the wall. Go back past the creatures to the falling rocks which cannot harm you this time. Go up the slope and shoot at the bat-like creature. Go to the far left edge. Jump up onto the stalactite and wait for the bat to be grabbed by the tentacles. Then quickly jump from one stalactite to another until you reach the last one. Here you must do a big jump to land back on the balancing rock. Jump off the left side and blast the support column from underneath it. Run up the slope and keep going, jumping the holes as you run, until you come across a huge cavern of water supported by a slim column. Blast the column and run left, jumping the holes again, until you find yourself standing on a small flat rock over a hole. You will be shot up to the next ledge and all that's left to do is to run past the waterfall.
Run right and jump off the egde of the stairs, firing as soon as you land. Go right and jump over the stairs and go to the next screen. Make a shield and walk towards the doors. As long as there is a shield in front of you, the alien will throw his bombs. All you have to do is walk away from the doors, making them close, and the plasma balls will rebound towards him. When he's dead, run right, blasting the door as you go, and recharge your weapon. Now go left past the waterfall and go down the stairs. Go back right and jump down stairs. Duck and blast the alien then go up stairs and blast the chandelier (this releases your companion). Go right and at the bottom of the stairs, as you go onto the next screen, you will be punched and knocked backwards. When your assailant has a hold of you press fire to kick him in the nuts. Run left and grab the gun. Duck and blast and then go right. When you're in the second arch turn around, make a shield and turn again to make a shield on the other side. Shoot the alien on the left, then the one on the right, and then go right. This requires a lot of practice. Try not to make a shield behind a column or you won't be able to see how much damage it's received.
Dive into the water and start swimming down. Don't hang around as you've only got a limited air supply. Turn left when you reach the bottom and swim straight past the hole in the ceiling to the second. Swim up here and catch your breath. Now go straight down and into the hole that you passed on your way in. Turn right at the bottom and climb out. Blast the electric cable and go back the way you came in, remembering to catch your breath. Climb out on the right-hand side. Run right and duck when the alien is just about to fire at you. Move forward so that you're close enough for the bombs to discharge before hitting you. Shoot the blighter as he walks out from behind the shields.
Drop down the hole on the right. Turn right quickly and blast the door. Run very fast, ignoring the laser fire that's going on around you. Don't stop until you come to a grate. Stop just in front of the plate in the roof and make a shield on your left. Keep making shields until your companion rescues you. You will now be pulled up through the ceiling and clamber into a tank. The directions for pressing the correct buttons are: fire, down, fire, left, left, down, fire, up, up, up and fire. You will now be launched into the female baths.
When you land, run immediately to the right or you're toast. As you run along someone breaks through the glass window. Keep running. When on the floor, push towards the control panel. When the alien (red-eyed beast) is about to walk under the rectangle in the roof, pull the first level by pressing the button. A laser will frazzle him. Then quickly pull the next lever and crawl towards the light. Lasers will fire into the floor just missing you. Don't worry, only the third blast can harm you so you should have plenty of time. You will be beamed up to the roof, reunited with your friend and ceremoniously fly off into the distance together.